An instance to get together and align our team
On December 3rd, Condensa held a new annual Strategic Conference, a special event in which all the members of the company get together and carry out team activities and presentations of annual results.
This year the day began with a breakfast for all the members of Condensa. Afterwards, a series of presentations were given by the General Manager, Commercial Manager and Operations Manager, where we reviewed the results of the last year and the projections for the year 2023 were presented.
Finally, we divided into teams with members from different processes and areas and began communication activities, where we talked about our objectives, obstacles, opportunities and projections for the coming year, in addition to learning more about each of the processes of our commercial and production line.
This type of annual activities allow us to synchronize as a team and unify our efforts to work towards a common goal, in order to fascinate our customers.
Nos complace mucho afirmar que nuevamente hemos logrado cumplir con los altos estándares de esta auditoría y conseguir nuestra recertificación ISO.
In Condensa we welcome 2023 with a team aligned and focused on achieving great results in this new period, always with the objective of delivering the best service and quality to our customers.