Condensa’s 10 Mandates: A Guide for Leadership and Collaboration

Portada Blog Ingles_18.06.2024

In the dynamic corporate world, clear and concise guidelines are essential to foster a productive and harmonious work environment. Condensa, a company committed to the integral development of its leaders and teams, has established ten mandates that not only promote efficiency and collaboration, but also cultivate an environment of mutual respect and growth. These principles guide actions and decisions within the organization, ensuring that each member makes a meaningful contribution to collective success.

  1. Greet, say goodbye, take care of each other, ask please and thank

Courtesy and respect are fundamental at Condensa. Leaders and employees greet and bid each other a cordial farewell, take care of each other, and use the magic words such as “please” and “thank you”. This approach creates a positive and respectful work environment, essential for well-being and productivity.


  1. We delegate and empower

Effective delegation is key to organizational success. Condensa leaders trust their teams, delegating tasks and empowering members to take responsibility. This empowerment fosters confidence and professional growth.


  1. We assume when we make mistakes, we apologize and we trust our work teams.

At Condensa, transparency and accountability are fundamental values. Acknowledging mistakes, apologizing and trusting the team are practices that strengthen the integrity and cohesion of the group.


  1. We see the positive, say it, acknowledge it and celebrate it.

Recognizing and celebrating achievements is vital to maintaining high morale. Condensa leaders focus on the positive, express it openly and celebrate successes, fostering an environment of recognition and motivation.


  1. We also see the negative and turn it around, transforming it into learning and growth.

Challenges and mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning and growth. This proactive approach allows Condensa to turn negative situations into valuable educational experiences.


  1. We facilitate and cultivate effective communication

Effective communication is a cornerstone at Condensa. The power of conversation is encouraged through words, emotion and active listening, ensuring that all team members feel heard and understood.


  1. We generate commitments in a timely manner – and we keep them!

Commitment and punctuality are essential. Condensa’s leaders ensure that commitments are met in a timely manner, which reinforces trust and efficiency within the organization.


  1. We look for solutions, not blame, and we are part of the solution – Always!

At Condensa, the focus is on problem solving rather than blaming. All team members are an active part of the solution, fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual support.


  1. We are more committed to making things happen than to explaining why things don’t happen and/or being right.

Proactive action is a priority. Condensa leaders focus on achieving results rather than justifying failures or seeking to be right, which drives efficiency and effectiveness.


  1. We know that we are all customers and suppliers, and in this relationship we seek to delight our customers – always!

Customer service is a priority. At Condensa, everyone understands that they are both customers and suppliers, and they work to delight their customers at all times, ensuring collaborative and trusting relationships.


These ten mandates are at the core of Condensa’s culture, guiding its leaders and teams towards excellence and collective success. By adhering to these principles, Condensa not only ensures a productive and harmonious work environment, but also positions itself as a benchmark for leadership and collaboration in the corporate arena.



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