About Us
About Us
Manufacturers and suppliers of Packaging
Based in the city of Arica, Chile, Condensa is an aluminum packaging manufacturer and supplier with more than 50 years of experience.
With our beginnings in the development of electronic capacitors, in Condensa we have continuously evolved and improved our processes, focusing our activities of the last decades in the manufacture of aluminum packaging for aerosols, beverages, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and specialty products, among others.
At Condensa, we are focused on delivering quality service and exercising sustainable practices. Our focus is sustainable growth in terms of product, society and environment, in order to generate collaborative relationships and trust with our customers.
Our History

Establishment of Condensa
Our beginnings date back to 1970, when its founder Roberto Levit created Condensa, a company that manufactured electronic capacitors for televisions and other products.

Diversification of production
In 1978 we decided to diversify the product offer due to the changes experienced in the market. The company ventured into the manufacture of different products, finally developing aluminum packaging.

Inauguration of Line 1
Our first production line, destined to the manufacture of extruded aluminum containers of different sizes and formats, is installed and inaugurated.

Inauguration of Line 2
Our second production line for extruded aluminum containers is inaugurated.

Inauguration of Line 3
After 15 years without increasing our manufacturing machinery, our third extruded aluminum production line is installed and inaugurated.

Inauguration of Line 4
Due to the success of our production, it is decided to inaugurate a fourth extruded aluminum container manufacturing line in our plant.

Maya Machakka
Condensa’s work format is restructured and the entire team is aligned under a lean manufacturing approach: Maya Machakka, Aymara phrase meaning “new look”. This work approach is developed from Condensa’s values and principles and promotes an attitude and culture of impeccability and simplicity, always with an eye towards the future.

Generational change
In 2016, Roberto Levit decides to leave his position as CEO of the company. The leadership is taken by Matías Levit, current CEO of Condensa S.A.

Odisea Team and Line 5
The fifth production line is inaugurated and the Odisea Team, a group that seeks to strengthen teamwork and group development, is created.

Line 1 reactivation and nutraceutical market development
Line 1 reactivation and nutraceutical market development
After more than 2 intense years of pandemic, Condensa reactivates production in line 1, which had been paused due to the drop in demand during the last years. It is also decided to enter a new market through the manufacture and sale of packaging for the nutraceutical industry.
Principles and Values
Condensa Culture
In Condensa we see the value of each of the members of our processes. We respect our principles, ethical standards and best practices through the permanent contribution to our people, customers, suppliers, shareholders and the community.
We are committed to excellence in the manufacture of high quality, sustainable aluminum packaging solutions through relationships of collaboration and trust.
Our people
The most valuable asset and the main pillar of our organization. Design and training allow us to have leading teams in our industry.
Our clients
Main strategic partners. We are committed to developing long-term business relationships based on trust, collaboration and partnership.
Our processes
We follow industry best practices and work constantly on continuous improvement, adding value and flexibility to our processes. In addition, we constantly seek solutions to minimize our environmental impact.
Our suppliers
We achieve the quality of our products and services thanks to our suppliers. We understand their value and seek to develop long-term relationships.
Our community
It is our responsibility to contribute to a better quality of life through activities that add value to our organization, our people, their families and the community around us.
Our Shareholders
We are committed to protecting the company’s value and contributing to its growth. Our shareholders are constantly informed about the company’s performance and evolution.